Performance Guarantee Digital Marketing eCampaigns

For More info, call us at 1-855-953-3253

We DRIVE 5,000-15,000 leads and activity to your website within just days with new 30-60 sold, campaign guaranteed!

We E-mail your Ad, designed by us, 100,000 to 200,000 digital new CONQUEST vehicle shoppers within 15-25 miles of your Dealership. We DRIVE THEM TO YOUR WEBSITE Today!

We can also GUARANTEE you 30-60 cars sold within 7 weeks using our proprietary algorithms!! Seems too good to be true, all we need is 5 minutes to explain how we will do this for you!



You can have it all: the Bundle Program. It's Direct mail, e-mail, banner ads & PURL.

We invest our expertise into your digital, direct mail & landing page campaign for your dealership.

The reason DEALERS DIRECT U.S. is willing to fully guarantee all of our advertising campaigns is that we have absolute confidence in our proprietary algorithms that identify specific model buyers. We know which consumers are going to buy/ lease a car in the next few weeks thru brand defection patterns & financially relevant life changes.

Our In Market Buyer Finder takes into account a consumer’s likely propensity to respond to a particular advertisement. DEALERS DIRECT U.S. is not limited by a particular type of advertising. Instead, we target each consumer in the way best suited to drive them to your dealership using our “Multi-Channel Marketing Bundle” concepts.

We market to the right people, at the right time, with the right message. We direct target your customers with intelligent ads and help them make an informed decision. The psychology of this is that they are comfortable doing business with your dealership, trust you, and believe they will be treated fairly.


Whether you are a domestic import or luxury dealer, our turnkey program has been proven effective for all brands and markets.


Contact us for more details.