Credit Card Mailer

We Find You Discharged Chapter 7 & 13 Buyers to Maximize Your Challenged Credit & Bankruptcy Marketing

IF 37% Of Customers Who File Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Normally Buy Within 30 Days of Discharge...

What happens to the other 63% that have not purchased?

Our Credit Card Chapter 7 & 13 Discharge program targets that select group within a specific time line from just days to 2 years from their discharge date. These customers are still valid to mail.

Get Their Attention... Every Time

Our personally embossed plastic debit card mails 1st class postage and gets noticed. Their personalized debit card “peeks” through the window and official invitation letter creates a high-open rate. We use two different calls to action - a toll-free number backed by our live call center, as well as our web (PURL) response site. Dealers find that this gives them a response rate 2 to 5 times the average.

Pre-Approved Debit Card Enclosed Stop Stuffing Envelopes

The Program includes our exclusive card, embossed with the customer’s name, First Class Pre-sort letter, our fast and easy U.S. Based Live Call Center, our secure web site and much more!

Contact us for more details.